A podcast documenting my journey as a trainee teacher, with a special focus on mental health.
The End
James B
Season 2
Episode 13
My PGCE is finished! I talk about:
- QTS (Qualified Teacher Status)
- ECT (Early Career Teacher)
- Advice for new trainees:
- - Go with the flow
- - Focus on what matters, namely:
- -- Good explanations (self-efficacy)
- -- Students feel cared for (belonging)
- - Constant dialogue with mentors/tutors
- Mental health:
- - Life is stressful...
- - ... so find a purpose
- What next?
- Introducing the Mr Brown Podcast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mypgcepod
Email: mypgcepod at gmail dot com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mypgcepod
Mr Brown Podcast: https://mrbrownpod.buzzsprout.com
Mr Brown Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrbrownpod
Mr Brown website: https://mrbrownpod.com
Art by OB Graphic Design (Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/obgraphicdesign0)
Music by JuliusH (Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/users/juliush-3921568)